Nufflenomics: Strip Ball
Strip ball is a skill that makes me play much much worse if I remember my opponent has it. It scares the beejebus out of me, but should it? How effective is it? As I’m taking Norse to a tournament this weekend, I thought I’d look into it. What does it do? Strip ball allows an attacking player to make an opponent carrying the ball drop it when they hit them with a blitz and push them back, as long as that player does not have the sure hands skill. Effectively, when you hit a player carrying the ball, if you get a push result (or a defender stumbles result and the player has dodge) then the ball gets knocked loose when it wouldn’t previously have done so. The effect This means that hitting the ball carrier with a strip ball player should be more likely to result than hitting with any other player. How more likely is it, though? It’s quite easy to calculate, although there are a number of different scenarios in terms of the relative skills for the players and the number of dic