
Showing posts from May, 2024

NAF Championship 2024

For me, the NAF Championship is THE BloodBowl event of the year. It was the first large event that I went to, and it holds a very special place in my heart. As the English Major event, you know that there will be a lot of very good players there - and it is always good to catch up with people you don't see frequently as they live in different parts of the country to you. It is the one event that I always try to make no matter what. The excitement begins at Warhammer World the night before for the Sevens event. This year I was the spare player for the event, so I didn't get to play but I did get to wander around talking to people, watching games, admiring the pro painted flings and vamps in the cabinet and enjoying a lemonade or two. The games for me then started on Saturday morning after reliveing my wallet of a penny or two with some of the on-site vendors. I had taken wood elves, having played them for a season in the SKABB league. It was an 11 player roster with a treeman, w