
NAF Championship 2024

For me, the NAF Championship is THE BloodBowl event of the year. It was the first large event that I went to, and it holds a very special place in my heart. As the English Major event, you know that there will be a lot of very good players there - and it is always good to catch up with people you don't see frequently as they live in different parts of the country to you. It is the one event that I always try to make no matter what. The excitement begins at Warhammer World the night before for the Sevens event. This year I was the spare player for the event, so I didn't get to play but I did get to wander around talking to people, watching games, admiring the pro painted flings and vamps in the cabinet and enjoying a lemonade or two. The games for me then started on Saturday morning after reliveing my wallet of a penny or two with some of the on-site vendors. I had taken wood elves, having played them for a season in the SKABB league. It was an 11 player roster with a treeman, w

Slaughter Bowl I, 21st April 2024

This past Sunday, the second event of the South East Tournament Series was held. Four SKABBers (myself, Ross, Marianne and Craig)  took the trip to Surrey to visit the Geek Retreat in Addelstone. It was a lovely games cafe and there was space for 24 coaches.  Unfortuantely due to a drop out, this became 22 with Tournament Organiser Nick unfortunately missing out on playing that day. Which is a shame as I need to get revenge for when his cowardly skaven ran away from my brave brave orcs when we'd previously met at Sevens. This was the first event that Nick (also known and kendrallsharne and the commissioner of the Surbiton league) had put on a tournament, and it all went very smoothly. He's already thinking about the next event. The rulespack that Nick had put together was very chaos focussed. The Wrath of Khorne weather table was being used, and each team got a Chaos Sorcerer to use. This would either grant them chosen mutations on a player of their choice (had to be played at

Glowbowl, 6th April 2024

Back in October, Oli asked me if I wanted to go to Glowbowl. For anyone not in the know, Glowbowl is essentially a tester event for the Thrudball ruleset, played at the same veneu but as a one-day event rather than the larger two-day event. As I wasn't intending to go to Thrudball this year due to it falling on my partner's birthday, I thought it would be a great idea (despite it being a 6 hour round trip) as the community and people were what made Thrud such a great experience. I decided to play Black Orcs. I'm currently trying to play through all of the teams in NAF tournaments, and they are one of the few that I've got painted but not yet played. They were in tier 5 of 7, along with chaos renegades, old world alliance and perhaps surprisingly, high elves.  I was able to skill up all my black orcs (guard on three and mighty blow on the other three), put sure hands on one goblin, sneaky git on another, hire the star player 'ooligan Gymir and take a bribe. This did

SKABB Easter Bonnet Bash, 30th March 2024

The first SKABB event of the year took place on Easter Saturday. It turns out that a large number of people have family plans over Easter - who would have thought it, eh? We still had a well attended event, with 22 coaches taking part. There were a few Easter themed rules. It was a 1200 TV tournament with: - a star player Easter bunny named Fluffy (not too dissimilar to Akhorne the Squirrel) - a free re-roll for anyone wearing an Easter bonnet (similar to the silly hat rule for the Pissed Up Terry Testimonial  which was our spring event last year) - the Spring weather table - one special play card unique to each team to play at one point during the day - a resurrection rule if any player suffered a "DEAD!" result on the casualty table with a 2+ placing them in reserves The last rule was not something I thought about when picking my team. As I'm working through the races that I've not played in tournaments and 1200 is quite nice for them, I went for Necromantic Horror.

Kent Team Championship 2024, 2 March in Canterbury

Last year we ran a collaborative event between the Kent leagues as an invitational event . This was a team tournament following the rules of UKTC with 30 coaches competing. This year we opened it up as a NAF event and as part of the new South East Tournament Series. I was expecting to get somewhere around 40-50 coaches but we soon realised it was going to be much more popular than we expected and we managed to hit 120 coaches, or 30 teams, which was as many as we expected to be able to fit in. I had been worried about ending up with an odd number of teams as we did last year, so offered all teams the option of bringing along a spare player who would be guaranteed a game either as part of a mercenary squad or against another spare player. It was thought that this, along with a couple of other spare players, would allow us to cover all eventualities. As it turns out, all the teams with spare players had drop outs so they were down to 4 players, and of the other teams, there were 2 drop o

NAF Treasurer Election 2024

Following hot on the heels of the election for the NAF President, is the election for the treasurer. The current incumbent, Geggster, has opted not to stand having been in the role for several years.  The NAF charter defines the role of treasurer as: - Collects any enacted club dues - Maintains club finances - Keeps records of finances (for public viewing if requested) - Protect the organisation against fraud and theft, ensuring safe custody of money, and prompt banking - Ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet all ongoing operational requirements - Keep up-to-date records as well as an audit trail for all transactions - Present the accounts of the organisation to the committee each January - Ensure safe/secure means of payment for our membership - Ensure that the organisation’s outgoings do not exceed our subscriptions - Make sure the committee understands its financial obligations, particularly appropriate and inappropriate expenditure/revenue - Be an active member of the

Bucks Open, High Wycombe 24th February 2024

This past Saturday, Oli and myself took a trip to Tabletop Republic in High Wycombe to take part in the Bucks Open event, previously known as Pitch Invasion.  These events are run monthly by nonumber who manages the store, with a ruleset that remains constant throughout the year (although access to stars had recently been removed - I blame Oli for taking a broken undead roster last time he went). I'd been wanting to make one of these events for a while but this is the first time that the date worked out for me, so I was pretty excited. So much so, that I actually had 3 breakfasts rather than the 2 that I normally have pre-tournament. I have the potential to get very hangry, which can obviously affect how the games go.  I took Lizardmen, mainly so that I had an incentive to paint the team in time, and partly because I haven't played them before. I've never had much of a desire to play them previously but I've always hated playing against them and I'm aware they'r