V NAF World Cup, Alicante 7-10 September 2023
This month, I went to the BloodBowl World Cup for the first time ever. I would definitely want to go back again if it is feasible. It was an incredible experience. Firstly, let's talk about what it is for those who don't know. The World Cup of BloodBowl requires no qualification. We were not representing our country - nor would we have been in the conversation if that was a requirement. Anyone can put together a team of 6 (or 7 if you want a spare) coaches and enter, as long as you are able to pay the entry fee. Then your team will play the team that you get drawn against, and whichever team wins the most matches among the 6 games will win the match up. If you both win the same number of games then it will be a draw. At the end of the event, whichever team has the most points is crowned the team champion. There are also individual standings but they are less important in a team event. We had a team of 6 including 5 members of our league and Ian from Devon who had been lookin...