Nufflenomics: How Strong is the Average Bloodbowl Player?

I was pondering whilst doing the washing up earlier what the average strength of a BloodBowl player is. Not the real life humans that play the game, that would be very difficult to calculate, but the players within the game.

This was a prerequistie for something else that I was pondering on and is relatively easy to work out so I thought I'd look into this now. 

I think the initial assumption is that strength 3 is "the norm." Humans are strength 3 and seen as the vanilla choice. A large number of other teams have strength 3 linemen positionals as well and whilst some teams are stronger, some are weaker and you'd expect it to average out to around 3. 

You could look at all of the positionals in the game and add up all their strengths and divide them by the number of positionals (and you would get the answer 3.32), however this will be skewed by the fact that you are assigning the same weight (mathematically speaking, definitely not if you put them on the sales) to, for example, the one ogre on a human team to the up to 16 snotlings on a snotling team.

You could look at the initial maximum strength available to place on the field of play at the start of the game, as Twelfman did in his article about playing khemri (1). However this will not always reflect actuality as players will have different preferences about which players the actually field, and after players get removed it is going to get adjusted. If you did this, though, you would get an answer of 3.28.

Neither of these methods taken into account the fact that some races are obviously played more than others.

What I have done is look at the data from the biggest BloodBowl tournament that has ever taken place which happened conviniently recently and also has the data conviniently available in table format. This should therefore accurately reflect what you are likely to come accross (at least in tournament play).

I excluded any star players because using star players is cheating (please don't look at any of my tournament rosters) and because excluding them I felt would give a truer picture of what I was looking for. 

Adding up the strength of all of the rostered players and dividing it by the number of players to get the average, we get a result of 3.06. So basically 3. I could have saved myself some time and gone with my gut but it's nice to proove these things statistically and what else could anyone get up to on a Friday evening? 

Not only is the average essentially three but the median and mode are both also three, as are the values at the 25th and 75th percentiles. 

If you're interested in a table showing teams average rostered strength, there is one below.

(1) An interesting note on Twelfman's article where he looks at the maximum available strength, after the recent release Khemri/Tomb Kings have now been matched by Vampires as the potential strongest team on the pitch. Vampires would need to field the vargheist and all six vampires so I'm not sure how many coaches would actually do that in reality. 

(2) This is without any swarming players added. If we assume the maximum possible swarming roll of 3 then Underworld Denizers on field maximum strength increases to 33 and Snotlings to 30. This doesn't move either of them up in terms of the total on field strength. Their averages actually drop to 2.36 and 2.14 respectively. 


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