SKABB Stats Seasons 1-9

 This is an update of a post with stats for Seasons 1-8, and also includes for the first time stats on the 2 seasons of Sevens we have played. 

Games Played

Across 9 seasons, 760 games have been played. A total of 2,096 touchdowns were scored (an average of 2.76 per game) and a total of 2,694 casualties have been caused (an average of 3.54 per game).

Averages for seasons 1-8 were 2.6 touchdowns and 3.55 casualties per game. Season 9 was higher than average for touchdowns, but very slightly down on casuatlies, averaging 2.83 touchdowns and 3.52 casualties. 

Stew is the first coach to hit 100 games played, with Oli due to hit the same milestone this season. 

Iain has knocked Archie out of the top 10 and with Tommy just behind (currently on 47 games) he is expected to take Pete Gridley's spot in the top 10 this season. 

12 coaches have played 5 or more seasons (up from 9 last season). They are listed below. 


The most number of touchdowns scored in a game remains at 7, however it was equalled in Season 9. There have been 4 games altogether where 7 touchdowns were scored:

Season 1: Oli's Skaven v Kias's humans (5-2)
Season 1: Pete G's slann v Kias's humans (4-3)
Season 2: Stew's elf union v Paul Brook's skaven (4-3)
Season 9: David Macey's skaven v Oli's slann (4-3)

This has already been achieved again in round 1 of Season 10!

All time most touchdowns are below

Marc has extended his lead by 3 touchdowns, although as he isn't playing in Season 10, Oli should surpass him. Dan has jumped a spot and will likely join Matt in the 100 TD club this season. Iain is a new entry with a high scoring season. Pete Ager is just 2 shy of Pete Gridley and should take a spot in the top 10 this season. 

The best average number of touchdowns is here:

Whilst Marc's average hasn't changed much (down from 1.83), he has been surpassed by Oli and Dan who both had high scoring seasons.  Iain has crept in at number 10 at the expense of Steve Ashley.

The most number of team TD in a game is 5. This has happened a total of 17 times and has been achieved by Oli (6 times), Matt Moate, Marc and Dan (twice each) and by Iain, Pete A, Ron, Stew A and Wes. 

There were two instances of it happening in Season 9 - Oli's slann beat Matt Ashley's vampires 5-1 and Marc's humans beat David Macey's skaven 5-0.


The most number of casualties in a game is 11 which has happened twice and amazingly in the same match up.

In season 9 Pete Gridley's dark elves continued where his chaos dwarf left off in Season 8 against Craig's snotling team. This season the elves recorded 8 casulaties and suffered three, compared to 7 caused by his chaos dwarves the previous season when the snotlings got 4 in reply.

10 casualties has been recorded 3 times:

Season 5: Oli's tomb kings v Stew A's flings (5-5)
Season 4: Oli's wood elfs v Stew A's khorne (old roster) (2-8)
Season 4: Marc's skaven v Wes's ogres (5-5) 

All time most casualties are here:

Stew managed not to hit the 200 casualties milestone due to playing wood elves in Season 9. Marc lept over Oli and a great season from Craig took him from outside the top 10 up to 8th and just four short of 100 total casulaties.

The average number of casulaties per game is below:

New coach Ashley comes in with a whopping 3 casulaties a game average in his first season to take the top spot! Last season's number 2, Dom, drops out of the top 10 having switched from black orcs to dark elves. Wes jumps into the top 10 after a season playing dwarfs.

Race choices

The most played race remains orcs with 13 coaches having played them altogether (up 1 from season 8).  Skaven joins dark elves and humans as the next most played race. 

All races have been played across the 9 seasons, although 4 have only been played once - amazons (Marianne), Imperial Nobility (Ross), Old World Alliance (Pete A) and Snotling (Craig)

Some teams have been played more seasons though as can be seen in the number of games played table. 

10 coaches have played 4 or more different races. 

Win Percentages

The top 10 win pecentages (using NAF style were a draw is half a win) are below, along with games played for context. 

Damian retains his spot at the top of the overall win percentage table, although he might struggle to stay there as he's playing gnomes this season. Alex jumps into the top 5 after his championship winning season.

The 10 best performing races are below

Chaos Dwarfs and snotlings enter the top 10 at the expense of orcs and dark elfs. Unsurprisingly, necromantic horror remain top having been the championship winning side in three out of the 9 seasons.

The below table shows the best performing coach with each race (a minimum of 5 games is needed) 


Here are all the awards given out by player

And here they are by race

The Championship has been won by 7 different races - necromantic horror 3 times, and dark elf, chaos dwarf, ogres, shambling undead, norse and black orc once each.

7 different coaches have won the championship - with Marc having won it three times.

The cup has been won twice by two coaches - Marc and Damo - with Damo being the first coach to retain it. 

Marc is the only coach to have done the double of winning the cup and the league in the same season.

Craig has appeared in the glass final on all three occassions, with season 9 being his first successful final.


Some quick stats on the Sevens league now we have run 2 seasons.

Marianne and Stew have both played 15 games in the sevens leagues, which is the most. 6 other coaches have played 10 or more games. The discrepancy is due to the informal nature of the league.

For coaches with 5 or more games played, here are the best performing coaches, with this season's champion Marianne leading the way.


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